Call of duty modern warfare force recon 1.
Call of duty modern warfare force recon. Modern warfare is an anachronism as 1st and 2nd force reconnaissance were disbanded with it s personnel used to create marsocs 1st and 2nd marine special operations battalions later marine raider regiments. Force recon is a mobile game that can be downloaded for verizon wireless members. Modern warfare during the american campaign. The appearance of 1st force recon and marsoc in call of duty 4.
Modern warfare see 1st force recon. It is available for 3 99 month or 7 99 for unlimited use. The bog rescue of the abrams tank war pig. Shock and awe.
War pig escort of the abrams tank war pig. What s refreshing is you re there as part of a team and even though much of the game is spent hunting down bad guys alone you come across plenty of force recon members who offer advice. The 1st force reconnaissance company is the deep reconnaissance and direct action unit of the usmc. For the game see call of duty.
For the faction in call of duty 4.