First open your crafting table so that you have the 3x3 crafting grid that looks like this.
Minecraft fletching table. A fletching table is a fletcher s job site block that can generate naturally in villages. In the crafting menu you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. The fletching table is used to turn an unemployed villager into a fletcher. A fletching table is a decorative block which currently serves no utility function but will receive one in a later update possibly 1 17.
A fletching table may generate inside a fletcher building in a village as long as the village generated after the release of update 1 14 if a village has a fletching table but no fletcher any nearby villager without a profession not a nitwit or. Open the crafting menu. A 1 16 3 rewrite is en route. A mod that adds actual functionality to fletching tables.
Add items to make a fletching table. 1 obtaining 1 1 natural generation 1 2 crafting 2 usage 2 1 change profession 2 2 fuel 3 sounds 4 data values 4 1 id 5 history 6 issues 7 references fletching tables can generate naturally inside fletcher houses in villages. How to craft a fletching table in survival mode 1. Until then you may use the current version 0 1 1 for 1 16 2 and it s known to break in 1 16 3.