Star citizen where s the canteen at port olisar food drink survival referral program.
Star citizen port olisar. Port olisar is located in the trade lanes above the planet crusader and offers a breathtaking view of the planet below. A live fire weapons garrity defense casaba outlet dumper s depot and ez hab can be found on every strut as well as a terminal for trading and refinery. Owned and operated by crusader industries port olisar acts as a gateway to the company s vast planetary holdings and orbital shipyards. Port olisar is a space station in crusader s orbbit it consists of 4 identical struts a to d joined together.
The station offers accommodations to everyone from visiting executives to pilots traveling through the system. Each strut has 4 different size landing pads with a combined total of 11 pads with the largest pad being able to accommodate a ship in the size of a carrack. If the image below is what you are seeing you are at port olisar. Press h to get out of bed.
This is just a short video showing you what this station has to offer. How many scarlet s can you spot in the film. Port olisar orbits the gas giant crusader ii and it has much to offer the visiting pilots that frequent its landing pads and shops. Rotate the mouse wheel forward to increase the walking speed.
Citizen gear short introduction of port olisar. From hab unit to fleet management console.