Press all the shoulder buttons and enter testingcheats true this will enable cheats in the game and now you can easily use all the cheat codes provided below.
Sims 4 vampire power points cheat. You can increase your rank acquire vampire points for free and give your sim a quick death among other things. To remove weakness along with the reset of power. The second thing you ll need for some of these vampire cheats is the sim id. If you get a message that reads cheats enabled then you know you ve done it right.
Press control shift c to access command. That can be ordered from the computer as your sim graduates. Refund vampire power points and reset the power board. You are able to cheat to give your sim two vampire points at a time.
Change your sim into a vampire give them free power points unlock powers and max out skills. The sims team made an oversight in design at time of writing that allows you to continually gain vampire ranks sitting a computer and learning about vampires. Getting the sim id is used in many advanced cheats in the sims 4. With the release of the sims 4 vampires there are also new cheats available.
Stats set stat commodity motive visible vampire power 100 drain vampire energy bar. To do so enter sims get sim id by name in command. Sims 4 vampire resets power. Use cheat bucks unlock allperks for bucks type false.
Cheat to reset vampire powers. To reset the id of your sim is required. Testingcheats true or testingcheats on. Also to retrieve powerpoint along with power reset.
Requires the sims 4 vampire cheats. They are also added to the post. This requires a sim id you can use the sims get sim id by name firstname lastname cheat to get your sim id from your sims. For get your sims id type sims get sim id by name sim name.
How to use the sims 4 vampire cheats. A means of power leveling vampire levels is to study vampire lore starting at the computer and progressing to ancient books. Press ctrl shift c and enter testingcheats true for console. Free vampire power points.
Remove weaknesses but keep the rest of your vampire powers. Cheat vampire powers and weaknesses get sim id cheat to reset vampire s perks. Simid is the id of the sim you want to reset. This will max your vampire rank and give you 2 power points each time you enter it.
Fill up vampire energy bar. These cheats are all tested and safe to use. Cheat to remove. Now that we have the simid we can use the cheat to refund all of the power points.
Stats set stat rankedstatistic occult vampirexp 1593 vampire energy cheats. A big part of this game pack is earning power points to purchase different perks for your vampire to make them learn new things and make them a better vampire.