Unfire stops the fire.
Roblox admin commands. Roblox admin commands are nothing but a readily available scripting code that can be used by game developers in their own games to allow specific game admins and perform special tasks in the game. The admin commands is a group on roblox owned by tomas09765 with 193 members. Fire starts a fire. Select from a wide range of models decals meshes plugins or audio that help bring your imagination into reality.
And also you can try this admin commands in your roblox games. Here is a list of some of the most used admin commands that are available in roblox. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Minihead this roblox admin commands makes the player s head smaller.
Jump makes your character jump. Bighead makes the player s head bigger. You can access admin commands by typing. Ff creates a force field around the player.
Unsmoke turns the smoke off. View the message on the screen for all the players. Jump makes your character jump. Set the limit the number of players which play on the server at a time.
Local part instance new part part size vector3 new string sub msg 6 danumber1 1 string sub msg danumber1 1 danumber2 1 string sub msg danumber2 1 part position head position vector3 new 0 part size y 2 5 0 part name person299 s admin command script v2 part thingy. Unfire stops the fire. Sparkles this roblox admin commands makes your player sparkly. Smoke creates smoke around the player.
The command script has been republished countless times and is currently the most republished model on roblox. Maxplayers enter player number 3. Use the below roblox admin commands for shut down the server. Here is a list of some of the most used admin commands you can try in your roblox games.
The script contains a list of the users who are allowed to use the commands. It was one of the first admin commands scripts and is now the most popular and known admin command script that has been created on roblox. These command codes are specific scripts designed by roblox administrator users to do certain tasks in their game when giving commands in chat box of the game or with gui text box. Use admin commands and thousands of other assets to build an immersive game or experience.
List of available admin commands in roblox. Loopkill kills the player over and over again. Cmd in your chatbox in roblox. Roblox admin commands for utility tasks.
Kill kills the player. Unff erases the force field.