In bedrock edition death messages are also produced upon the death of a pet horse donkey mule llama or skeleton horse.
Minecraft death messages. Below is a list of death messages. Death messages are broadcast to everyone upon the death of a player and to the pet s owner upon the death of a pet wolf cat or parrot. Death messages are broadcast to everyone when a player dies and to the pet s owner when a tamed wolf cat horse or parrot dies. You may add kill weapon to any line in killed death messages.
These messages relate to how the player died and some are intended to be humorous minecraft wiki playername caught the wrong train playername bought a one way ticket to the afterlife playername played chicken with a train. False you can add messages or remove any of these messages. Toggleable by boolean above. This chooses a death message at random.
Player was shot by arrow caused by being killed by an arrow shot from a dispenser shot by skeleton or summoned with summon. Player was shot by player mob caused by being killed by an arrow shot by a player or mob. Original hover message. Death messages are broadcast to everyone on the server upon a player s death.
These messages communicate how the entity died and some are intended to be humorous.