Every wonder how to plant chorus fruit.
Minecraft chorus plant. Chorus plants can be used as decorative blocks or can be broken to obtain a chorus fruit. Chorus plants are a type of plant that was added in update 1 0. They grow on chorus plants. Chorus plants generate in end cities and on the outer islands as part of chorus trees and can be broken using any tool but is broken fastest with an axe citation needed when broken it drops 0 1 chorus fruit.
Chorus is a plant that grows naturally on outer islands of the end accessible via end gateways which generates after killing the ender dragon the plant grows from chorus flowers planted on end stone when growing a chorus may grow additional flowers to the side which can grow independently into separate stalks or branches making the plant grow wide. They do not drop anything when pushed by a piston or water. 1 obtaining 1 1 breaking 1 2 natural generation 2 usage 2 1 farming 2 2 placement and growth 3 sounds 4 data values 4 1 id 4 2 block states 5 history 6 issues 7 trivia 8 references chorus flowers can be mined with any tool and drop themselves when broken. Chorus plants are planted by placing a chorus flower on a block of endstone.
I had this same problem too and i m now here to teach you how to plant chorus fruit and also how to use them. When broken they yield 01 chorus fruit which can teleport one a few blocks when eaten. At the top of each fully grown plant a player may find between 1 and 5 chorus flowers. Chorus plants are blocks that naturally generate on the outer islands of the end.
These should be harvested first as they are otherwise lost. They can be grown using chorus flowers.