This design works in both minecraft ve.
Minecraft block swapper. Add tip ask question comment download. It was built in minecraft 1 10 2. A door wired to a lever one of the simplest redstone mechanisms mechanisms are systems of blocks used to perform certain tasks such as opening a door from afar or revealing a hidden staircase. This is my wall block swapper very compact and useful for smart lightning and hiding some blocks behind a wall such as workbenches.
Add a sticky piston between. When you press the button the sticky piston is no longer extended then on the falling edge of the pulse the blocks switch due to block updates and piston properties. Add tip ask question comment download. Share your videos with friends family and the world.
This is a simple tutorial on how to build a block swapper in minecraft. These systems are built from simple components and normally involve some kind of user input such as breaking a torch which generates some kind of result like a door being revealed. This design can be transformed into a conditional double piston extender block swapper as well. Viel spaß beim nachbauen ios.
A small mod that selects the correct tool to harvest the selected block from those in the swapper added by this mod sample usage can be viewed here. In diesem tutorial zeige ich euch wie man einen block swapper bzw. This is the pop up block swapper it s more compact and cheaper than my previous design. Yes i know its technically 3 also ignore the washing machine in the background if you can hear it in the 4th design.
Http goo gl vtorpi today i will show you how to build a compact and fast block swapper in the floor. Blocktauscher in form einer versteckten werkbank baut. Add two sticky pistons facing each other 3 blocks away.