Create your resource pack.
How to make a minecraft resource pack. Inside your resource pack folder navigate to assets minecraft. For example if your path is minecraft sounds music game end boss ogg you need to create the folders sounds music game end. Click 7 zip if you are using 7 zip click add to archive. For instance you can make a sponge block look like a stone through a texture pack.
Texture packs are something that can help you enjoy minecraft even more. Use the following steps to create a resource pack zip file. Create a new folder named sounds. They basically allow you to customize and give a new look to your minecraft world.
Now inside your sounds folder you need to create new folders depending on your sound s path. Inside your folder make a new folder called assets open that folder and make a new folder called minecraft. How to make texture packs for minecraft. Open notepad paste the quoted text below and save it as pack mcmeta inside the folder you made.