2019 10 27 0 12 the biggest update in history of escape from tarkov.
Escape from tarkov news. With each passing day the situation in the norvinsk region grows more and more complicated. It won t wipe the player s progress at least nothing was mentioned about it which means players will keep all their scavenged items in their inventory. Escape from tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first person action rpg simulator with mmo features and a story driven walkthrough. A lot of new weapons are heading for eft.
Future of escape from tarkov is a new faction and huge urban map. A lot of novelties is coming to escape from tarkov. Hideout new location reserve new scav bosses and unity 2018 4 battlestate games limited battlestate games announces the release of the largest update in the history of the multiplayer fps escape from tarkov project. Battlestate games has discovered that a brand new update is on the rise.
The video is dedicated to the key stages in the project development explanation of key game points and future plans. Titled as 12 8 the upcoming patch in escape from tarkov is small but determined to bring many new features to the game.