It behaves in a way similar to the transmutation tablet but is able to be made automatic you put one target item in the spot on the upper left hand corner and if the condenser is hooked up to energy collectors whether through antimatter relays or just the energy collector is next to it the emc from those.
Energy condenser minecraft. The energy condenser is a machine added by projecte based off the energy condenser added by equivalent exchange 2. The energy condenser can instantly fill all of its inventory slots with the item in the target slot provided it has enough emc stored to do so. The energy condenser is able to convert items to emc at a rate of 20 items per second or 1 item per game tick. The energy condenser can activate the power of the following ee power items.
The energy condenser is a very useful object added by the equivalent exchange mod. The energy condenser performs three functions. Once an item is placed in the target slot if the energy condenser is adjacent to an emc source such as an antimatter relay or directly next to an energy collector it will start to accumulate emc in.