Black marsh will be released worldwide on 11 11 18 on the xone playstation 4 and pc.
Elder scrolls 6 black marsh. Black marsh is a dense swampland region of southeastern tamriel home to the reptilian humanoid race of argonians and a race of sentient trees known as the hist. Rage virus in 28 days weeks and months later explored effects of rage chemical on neural pathway duration. It s bordered by morrowind to the north cyrodiil to the west and protected. Black marsh also known as argonia 1 is one of the nine provinces of tamriel.
Possible elder scrolls 6 setting. Argonia the black marsh or argonia region of tamriel. While it would make sense to rule out black marsh because of its geography it is an independent province. Argonians thrive in the foreboding swamps of black marsh a lush and threatening land.
There hasn t yet been a single player elder scrolls game that made it to the nations of valenwood or black marsh homes of the wood elves and the argonians respectively. The elder scrolls 6 could still be going to somewhere like elswheyr valenwood or black marsh. Mer races also use the name argonia a reference to an obscure ancient battlefield to avoid the negative connotations of the term black marsh. For one there s no guarantee that what we saw in the trailer is even supposed to represent the game.
Hammerfell is an absolutely massive region so there s plenty more that elder scrolls 6 could explore. Black marsh might not just play host to the next elder scrolls online expansion it could also be the elder scrolls 6 s setting. It is the home of the argonians the reptilian natives of this swampland rainforest. Some time after the nerevarine left morrowind.
Roanoke gaming recommended for you. Mature with blood and gore intense violence sexual themes and use of alcohol. The regions of summerset isle elsweyr and black marsh present the least likely settings for elder scrolls 6 given that their geography does not even closely resemble the visuals displayed in. The black marsh known also as argonia is a region in the south east of tamriel.
The province is filled with great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps 2the dunmer of neighboring morrowind used to enter the region for slaves particularly house dres source.